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One stop to all manage all Git repository

One stop to all manage all Git repository

May 23 2019

What is Thermal?
Thermal is open-source Electron-based desktop application build using Vue.js, allows you to manage all Git repository at one place by providing you a simple to use graphic user interface with built-in features commits, history, repository settings and more.

Repository stats
Clone repository
Create a new repository
Commit changes
Commit history
Commit details
File diff (preview)
Repository settings
Push to a remote repository
and a lot more...
Try now for free, by downloading the thermal application.

The source code the applications is available on GitHub and welcome you to contribute to the project.

We are just getting started with this application and there are a lot more planned features to build, join our discord server for support questions, feature request, bug report and to stay up to date with the development.
I would love to hear from you, leave a comment below or DM me on Discord.



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